Contact, Information


Bank account:
OTP 11709002-20650456
Address of OTP Bank: 1056 Budapest, Nádor u. 16. Hungary
IBAN: HU62117090022065045600000000

Tax identification number: 18655588-1-13

Postal address of the foundation:
Dr. Dóka Antal
Magyar Etológia Alapítvány (Hungarian Ethology Foundation)
City: Göd
Street: Kálmán u. 35.


The Hungarian Ethology Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to encourage and promote the study of animal behaviour (ethology) through supporting research studies and the dissemination of knowledge about animal behaviour through conferences, education, and publications.

The aims of the Foundation are

  • to support any kind of ethological research and related education to enhance our knowledge on the behaviour of living beings
  • to support specific research topics, researchers, research groups, the production and publishing of scientific publications
  • to support education, lecturers, courses, the production and propagation of course books, notes, and other educational materials
  • to support individuals in getting research experience, in conducting research in educational or research institutes, in making short  educational visits abroad and to participate in conferences
  • to support the organization of scientific conferences, lectures, discussion meetings
  • to support editing and publishing informational publications which promote ethological studies internationally

Specification of the Foundation’s activities:

 In accordance with the Founders’ aims, the Foundation conducts/will conduct the following activities:

  • a.       The conduct and financial and/or professional support of studies in behavioural science. In case of this activity, the financial support of the professionals conducting the scientific studies may take the form of scholarship or contract of employment.
  • b.      Forming and promoting national and international scientific and professional relationships, exchanging experiences and promoting findings, organizing trips for educational visits
  • c.       Participation in professional meetings, invitation of scientists from foreign countries, and covering the costs of these
  • d.      Organizing ethological conferences, professional meetings, holding lectures, editing and propagating publications, writing and publishing scientific publications in the field
  • e.       Writing, and professionally and financially supporting the edition and publication of informational publications in the field of ethology
  • f.        Training and theoretical education of professionals within the field of ethology and related disciplines, participation in their training, ensuring personnel and equipment, counseling, examinations.
  • g.      Nature and environment conservation,  animal protection
  • h.      Any other activity related to the general aims, not detailed above
  • i.        Exercising the Employer’s rights in order to accomplish these activities, , in connection with which the top executives may receive reimbursement
  • j.        The generation of  income in connection with the mentioned activities, to ensure the covering of the costs and expenses needed for the realization of its aim
  • k.      Services related to the basic aim are provided at no charge, at acquisition cost or below the market cost

Prof. Csányi, Vilmos akadémikus (member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Broad of Trustee:
Elnök: Dr. Dóka, Antal
Tagok: Dr. Maros, Katalin; Dr. Molnár, Csaba

Registration number:
Budapest Környéki Törvényszék 13-01-0003729

Date of foundation:
26 March 2015

Contact, information

Hungarian homepage:   E-mail: Bank account: OTP 11709002-20650456 Address ...